Werewolf Boy

Werewolf boy, I tried to love you.  Despite your stupid mute ways, I tried to see the beauty in your surprisingly unflawed face and glowing skin.  I was told you were hot hot HOT by my coworkers, Song Joong ki of the perfectly symmetrical features, but perhaps you are too, pre pubescent for my tastes.  Maybe as I have gotten older and realized that I could have given birth to you at least one time over (though not produced a baby with such perfect skin) that that is wrong on some level.  Or maybe I just think you are not really HOT, but maybe just symmetrical.  Like a round ball.  Or maybe I just grew frustrated with your stupidity.  I yelled at you several times in my head, saying GODDAMNIT why are you so stupid! but he can’t help it I know, because he is werewolf boy and doesn’t know any better.

블레이드 절대슬림이란 이런것! 얇고 강한 Lg xnote로 앞서가라!

블레이드 절대슬림이란 이런것! 얇고 강한 Lg xnote로 앞서가라! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Anyhow, unfortunately, your story has been told many times before, in many different renditions.  The only difference being the girl in this case was pretty much a colossal bitch and completely unrelateable and unlikeable.  I wanted to like you werewolf boy and the movie you were in, I wanted to support you and your brotherhood, but you just dragged on and on and on until I had to kill you.  I’m sorry werewolf boy, you are dead….$2

If you heart Werewolf Boy

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Twilight Saga

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King Kong